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Please pay Your attention that complaints and appeals related to criminal, civil, or administrative proceedings, as well as inspections, prosecution response measures, clarification of the legislation are submitted to the Academy of Justice under the Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan:
- - on purpose;
- - via the postal service;
- - in the «electronic government» portal
In order to speed up the answers to your questions, you are kindly asked to present the subject matter clearly and concisely. Before asking a question, you should look for the answer in the materials of the blog and the Internet resource of the Academy of Justice under the Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan. It is possible that they have the answer to your question, and you will easily get the necessary information.
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The agreement on participation
If You want to raise some issue, You should complete the following form (to fill each box, otherwise the matter will not be accepted):
- Your full name (Written in words)
- Region
- Personal email
- Question
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*When not match the data specified in the fields, the question will be automatically removed and left without consideration.
After sending a question, you will see the current status of your question.
The issues are not considered such as: :
- Contain swear words
- Containing the text unreadable and incomprehensible reduction
- The point to the problem is not related to the competence of the person to whom the question is addressed
In accordance with Clause 1 of Article 17 of Constitutional Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Judicial System and Status of Judges in the Republic of Kazakhstan” “The Supreme Court shall be the highest judicial body for civil, criminal and other cases which are in the jurisdiction of the local and other courts, and shall supervise their activity within the procedural forms provided for by the law and give clarifications concerning issues of judicial practice.” In addition to that, we would like to inform you that the Supreme Court is not competent in giving clarifications of particular provisions of the Law.
The appeal may be subject to moderation according to the norms of ethics and rules of spelling before publishing. Some information offensive, defamatory, libelous, and other information that harms the honor, dignity and business reputation, or used for the purposes of defamation or incitement of social, racial, national, religious, class, and tribal strife, or insulting the national honor and dignity, religious feelings of citizens, or to the alleged discrimination for reasons of origin, social, property status, sex, race, nationality, language, religion, belief may be excluded from the text of the appeal.
As a general rule, an address’s moderation and preparation even of the intermediate answer take some time. In this connection, duplicating addresses, or issues, specifying the reason for non-deployment of previously filed applications, or the status of their current moderation may not be republished.
No complaints are accepted in terms of response to address, requiring rapid resolution (of the urgency of the issues), in particular, received after hours.
Compliance with these provisions is an essential condition for the publication of address (issue).